Parents: What advertisements are most noticeable and effective for you? - business plan for local magazine
I intend to announce a company of parents of 4-8 years and their children, and I'm trying to decide what would be most effective.
Listen to the radio ads? If so, at what time usually?
Looking for local newspapers or in the announcement of advertisements in local magazines are provided for free in the mail?
Read the small ads in newspapers?
Have you checked craigslist for ads?
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you:)
I know all these things, but I'm in advertising.
I think the yellow and red colors are good for a company of children.
PS I tried to e-mail, but are not enabled.
The site is being renovated in time means that you can see my work in
I know all these things, but I'm in advertising.
I think the yellow and red colors are good for a company of children.
PS I tried to e-mail, but are not enabled.
The site is being renovated in time means that you can see my work in
I hate advertising. I try to avoid them as much as possible. When it comes to radio, you change the channel. I do not read local newspapers, I read the obituaries in the classifieds to Craigslist never check. Also to avoid turning the TV spots.
I will read a message by e-mail, especially if it is a different color. I also read at least one ad that on my door.
I hear radio ads on the way to work to come (even if sometimes not listening - change the station or on a CD)
And I would have noticed an advertisement in a local coupon free / charger.
Not really reading newspaper ads, if I'm looking for a job. And craigslist does not look so I am happy to buy something.
Cojo free education journals in the library and cafes, all with a coupon or package, which comes in the mail. Also EuP coupon for e-mail, but not be overwhelmed by them, and as the subject to be exact.
I do not read the newspaper. I read online news, is not classified. N craigslist. No radio.
Sometimes I realize flyer in the mail.
Sometimes I see ads in magazines.
Word of mouth is more effective for me.
Radio here
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